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What measures are Glamis APG taking to minimise the risk from Covid-19?


Our playground is now open-access again, however we are limiting the number of young people to 50 persons.


Children should be registered on our website if they aren’t already! There will be limited facilities to register onsite but if at all possible children should be registered before





As children and accompanying adults arrive on site, they should wash their hands thoroughly. There are a number of hand sanitisers outside and children will be regularly told to use these and wash hands.


Structures will be fully sanitised between each session. 


What measures can you take to make it safer for your and other children?


We are encouraging parents and carers:


  • to use local services, and not travel outside of the borough to access adventure playgrounds

  • to choose a local provision and stick to it to reduce the risk of spread i.e. to not send your child to multiple adventure playgrounds

  • where possible, to please travel to Glamis Adventure Playground by walking or cycling

  • limit drop-offs and pick-ups to one parent/carer per family 

  • practise social distancing at the entrance of the site

Please do not let your child come in if they, or any member of your household, is experiencing symptoms of coronavirus.

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