You can support us in many ways!
Follow us on facebook and Instagram - Like and share our posts
Donate (Money or materials) - We are always short of money and every little helps. Also we love recycling so feel free to bring materials for den building, wood, pallets, nails, screws, tools, old clothes for dressing up, paints, old toys, bikes, bike parts, scooters, roller skates and blades…almost anything!
Become a ‘project friend’ - A small, but regular donation with a standing order is a fantastic way to help
Volunteering - This could take the form of taking on tasks that take our staff away from working with the children and young people.
Become a trustee - We are currently interested in receiving applications from people with financial management, fundraising and legal skills.
Provide healthy foods for our Glamis Café. Whole wheat grains, rice, pasta, free range eggs, whole wheat bread, dried beans, canned tomatoes, baked beans, fresh herbs and spices, fresh fruit and milk.
You may be able to support us in ways that we haven’t thought of, please let us know.